journal special issues & articles
co-edited special journal issues
Special Issue: Transnational activism, solidarity and Ireland from the 1860s to 2010s
In Process: Crozier-De Rosa, Sharon, Evan Smith and Jimmy Yan, ‘Special Issue: Transnational activism, solidarity and Ireland from the 1860s to 2010s’, Irish Studies Review, provisionally scheduled for publication vol. 32, no. 3 (August 2024): https://www.tandfonline.com/journals/cisr20.
Special Issue: Sites of Feminist Memory
Issue Under Review: Sharon Crozier-De Rosa and Marc Calvini-Lefebvre (eds), ‘Special Issue: Sites of Feminist Memory’, Social History/Histoire Sociale (bilingual journal: https://hssh.journals.yorku.ca/index.php/hss, proposal accepted October 2021).
Special Issue: Mobilising Affect and Trauma: The Politics of Gendered Memory and Gendered Silence
Sharon Crozier-De Rosa and Vera Mackie (eds), ‘Special Issue: Mobilising Affect and Trauma: The Politics of Gendered Memory and Gendered Silence’, Women’s History Review, published online July 2022: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/09612025.2022.2090705.
Special Issue: Nationalism and Transnationalism in Australian Historical Writing
Sharon Crozier-De Rosa and David Lowe (eds), ‘Special Issue: Nationalism and Transnationalism in Australian Historical Writing’, History Australia, Volume 10, Number 3 (2013): https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14490854.2013.11668475.
Access PDF post print versions or direct link to free e-copies of my journal articles - click on title.
Sharon Crozier-De Rosa, ‘Solidarity and Colonial Analogies in Irish Republican Feminists’ Discursive Practices, 1890s-1980s’, Third World Quarterly (TWQ) (Special Issue, ‘Womandla! Feminism and Social Movements in the Global South’, edited by Kate Law, Ana Stevenson, and Kundai Manamere). Published online: 09 Nov 2024, https://doi.org/10.1080/01436597.2024.2421986.
Katie Barclay and Sharon Crozier-De Rosa, ‘Intergenerational Emotions and Family History: Temporal Feelings and National Stories’, Emotions & Society (Special Issue, ‘Inheriting the Family: Emotions, Identities and Things’, edited by Katie Barclay, Ashley Barnwell, Joanne Begiato, Tanya Evans and Laura King), published online: 16 September 2024, https://doi.org/10.1332/26316897Y2024D000000032.
Sharon Crozier-De Rosa, and Katie Barclay, ‘“She is Finally Home”: Feminist Storytelling, Family Imaginaries and Transnational Solidarity in Irish Abortion Activism’, Irish Studies Review, Volume 32, Number 3 (August 2024), published 21 June 2024, doi.org/10.1080/09670882.2024.2368938.
Smith, Evan, Sharon Crozier-De Rosa, Jimmy Wintermute, ‘Transnational Activism, Solidarity and Ireland: An Introduction’, Irish Studies Review, Volume 32, Number 3 (August 2024), 30 June 2024, pp. 1-8.
Aiken, Síobhra, Ciara Smart, Darragh Gannon, Rónán McDonald, Sharon Crozier-De Rosa, ‘The Pasts, Presents and Futures of Transnational and Global Irish Studies: “Snapshots”’, Irish Studies Review, Volume 32, Number 3 (August 2024).
Sharon Crozier-De Rosa, ‘Ruby Rich’s Dream Library: Feminist Memory-Keeping as an Archive of Affective Mnemonic Practices’, Literature, Volume 4, Number 2 (2024), pp. 62–74, Special Issue Memory and Women’s Studies: Between Trauma and Positivity, edited by Irene Mizrahi and Claire Sorin.
Sharon Crozier-De Rosa, and Marc Calvini-Lefebvre, ‘Introduction: The Suffrage Movement and the Politics of Memory’, Sharon Crozier-De Rosa and Marc Calvini-Lefebvre (eds), ‘Special Issue: Sites of Feminist Memory’, Social History/Histoire Sociale, Volume 56, Number 116 (2023), pp. 245-258.
Sharon Crozier-De Rosa, and Marc Calvini-Lefebvre, transl. Danika Gourgon, ‘Introduction: Le Mouvement Suffragiste et la Politique de la Mémoire’, Sharon Crozier-De Rosa and Marc Calvini-Lefebvre (eds), ‘Special Issue: Sites of Feminist Memory’, Social History/Histoire Sociale, Volume 56, Number 116 (2023), pp. 260-273.
Sharon Crozier-De Rosa, ‘Feminist, Non-Feminist and Anti-Feminist Uses of Feminist Memory’, Sharon Crozier-De Rosa and Marc Calvini-Lefebvre (eds), ‘Special Issue: Sites of Feminist Memory’, Social History/Histoire Sociale, Volume 56, Number 116 (2023), pp. 275-300.
Sharon Crozier-De Rosa, ‘The future of gendered pasts: thoughts about emerging research into women’s history in Australia as feminists globally confront attacks on and the regression of women’s rights’, Women’s History Review, published online 18 August 2022.
Sharon Crozier-De Rosa and Vera Mackie, ‘Mobilising Affect and Trauma: The Politics of Gendered Memory and Gendered Silence’, Women’s History Review, published online 26 June 2022.
Mackie, Vera and Sharon Crozier-De Rosa, ‘Rallying Feminists: Activism, Archives and Affect’, Women’s History Review, published online 11 July 2022.
Sharon Crozier-De Rosa, ‘The Place of Human Dignity in an Emotional World: Shame and Honour, Humility and Humiliation’, in Sharon Crozier-De Rosa, Ute Frevert, Lucy Noakes, and David Nash, ‘Forum: The Politics of Humiliation: A Modern History by Ute Frevert (OUP, 2020)’, Cultural History, Volume 10, Number 2 (2021) pp. 263–269.
Sharon Crozier-De Rosa, ‘Anger, Resentment and the Limits of Historical Narratives in Protest Politics: The Case of Early Twentieth Century Irish Women’s Intersectional Movements’, Emotions: History, Culture, Society (EHCS), Louise D’Arcens and Lise Waldek (eds), ‘Special Issue: Political Emotions and Ideological Performance’, Volume 5 (2021), pp. 68-86.
Sharon Crozier-De Rosa, ‘Vote100/Vótáil100. Die Erinnerung an das Frauenwahlrecht in Großbritannien und Irland’ (‘Vote100/Vótáil100: Women’s Suffrage Commemorations in Britain and Ireland’), Translated into German by Christine Brocks, in Birgitta Bader-Zaar and Mineke Bosch (eds) ‘Special Issue: Contested Memories. The commemoration of 100 years of women’s suffrage in Europe and the United States’, L’Homme: European Journal of Feminist History, Volume 32, Number 1 (2021), pp.15-36.2020
2020 & before
Vera Mackie and Sharon Crozier-De Rosa, ‘Remembering the Grandmothers: The International Movement to Commemorate the Survivors of Militarized Sexual Abuse in the Asia-Pacific War’, Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus, Volume 17, Issue 4, Number 1 (2019), pp.1-29.
Sharon Crozier-De Rosa, ‘Divided Sisterhood? Nationalist Feminism and Militancy in England and Ireland’, Contemporary British History, Volume 32, Issue 4 (2018) pp.448-469.
Sharon Crozier-De Rosa, ‘Shame and the Anti-Suffragist in Britain and Ireland: Drawing Women back into the Fold?’, Australian Journal of Politics and History, Volume 60, Issue 3 (2014) pp.346-359.
Sharon Crozier-De Rosa, ‘The National and the Transnational in British Anti-Suffragists’ Views of Australian Women Voters’, History Australia, Volume 10, Number 3 (2013) pp.51-64.
Sharon Crozier-De Rosa and David Lowe, ‘Introduction: Nationalism and Transnationalism in Australian Historical Writing’, History Australia, Volume 10, Number 3 (2013) pp.7-11.
Sharon Crozier-De Rosa, ‘Citizen of Australia...Citizen of the World: An Australian New Woman’s Feminist and Nationalist Vision’, Lilith: Feminist History Journal, No 17 & 18 (2011-2012) pp.34-71.
Sharon Crozier-De Rosa, ‘Popular Fiction and the ‘Emotional Turn’: The Case of Women in late Victorian Britain’, History Compass, Volume 8, Issue 12 (2010) pp.1340-1351.
Sharon Crozier-De Rosa, ‘A ‘Wet Blanket of Intolerable Routine and Deadly Domesticity’: The Feelings, Freedoms and Frustrations of Hilda Lessways, Arnold Bennett’s ‘Ordinary’ New Woman’, The Latchkey: A Journal of New Woman Studies, Volume 2, Number 1 (2010).
Sharon Crozier-De Rosa, ‘Marie Corelli's British New Woman: A Threat to Empire?’ The History of the Family, Volume 14, Issue 4 (2009) pp.416-429. Awarded Mary Bennett Prize for best article by early career historian in women’s history in Australia 2010-2012.